Legally Fit: Nourish Your Way to Legal Success

As legal professionals, you deal with complicated matters all day so why should your diet be complicated? Perhaps it is all of the advertising we see on TV, hear on the radio, and view online. Cue the infomercial with the fast-talking, ultra-fit TV personality who is hawking the latest health supplement promising to “take four inches off your waist in a month” or the influencer who will “make you your best self”, only to find that influencer testifying before Congress for making false claims the next week.

The beauty of eating healthy is that it is simple. Maddeningly simple. When it comes to nutrition, follow the holy trinity: eat lean proteins and anti-inflammatory foods, eat your big meals early, and snack smart with whole foods.

Lean, Mean, Anti-Inflammatory Machine

Lean, Mean, Anti-Inflammatory Machine

As a busy legal professional with a maelstrom of work awaiting you each morning, you’re going to need a reliable source of energy to sustain you through the day. Avoid refined sugars and processed foods. They may fill you up and provide quick energy, but they will leave you bloated, sluggish, and uncomfortable in a few hours. These foods also cause inflammation, which can lead to health problems down the line.

Lean proteins such as chicken or salmon, healthy unrefined fats like olive oil and nuts, and complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, ancient grains, and sweet potatoes are guaranteed sources of clean energy to propel you through even the most taxing days. They also promote a healthy gut biome, which is linked to increased mood and decreased stress and anxiety.

To fight inflammation, eat fatty fish like salmon or tuna, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and cherries. These foods take longer for your body to digest, meaning the energy they provide is more sustained throughout the day. If you are looking for meal ideas that combine these whole foods without dietary restrictions, check out the Mediterranean diet.

Front Load Your Big Meals

Front Load Your Big Meals

Did you know when you eat can be just as important as what you eat? There is a behemoth of scientific evidence that shows eating a big breakfast rather than a big dinner supports healthier cholesterol levels, insulin levels, and overall metabolic rates. You will also have far higher energy levels at the start of your day.

Moreover, eating late disrupts your circadian rhythm, which will negatively impact your sleep cycle. As a general rule of thumb, eat your biggest meals earlier in the day so your body isn’t digesting as much food while you sleep.

To maximize your breakfast, eat within an hour of waking up. Oatmeal with some berries and nuts or an omelet with colorful vegetables will jumpstart your metabolism to conquer the day.

Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day and should be eaten two to three hours before you go to sleep, so your body has time to digest the food. If you feel yourself getting peckish before bed, have a glass of water or a tablespoon of peanut butter.

Snack Smart to Stay Focused

Snack Smart to Stay Focused

Snacks are like document management systems, they’re not required, but boy, do they make life easier. A smart snack is crucial in maintaining your energy and blood sugar levels throughout the day, so choose snacks that provide a balance of macronutrients, essential vitamins, and healthy fats. Here are three recommended snacks with nutritional breakdowns:

Greek Yogurt or Skyr with Berries: Packed with protein, calcium, and cancer-preventing antioxidants. Choose plain Greek yogurt or Skyr, a healthier Icelandic alternative, and add fresh berries and a touch of honey to satisfy your sugar craving.

Sliced Banana with Cottage Cheese: It’s time we give cottage cheese the love it deserves. It’s a satiating, tasty, and protein-rich snack that pairs with a ton of fruit. When coupled with a banana, it delivers vitamins B6, A, and C, fiber, potassium, phosphorous, iron, protein, and healthy carbohydrates.

Veggie Sticks with Hummus: Bright crunchy vegetables like carrots, cucumber, and bell peppers paired with a protein-rich hummus dip are always healthy. Aside from its satisfying crunch, this savory snack is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. Pro tip: chickpeas are a great source of fiber and protein, and they’re super affordable.

Enjoy Your Food But Moderation Is Key

Cheat meal. Reward meal. Whatever you want to call it. It’s okay to eat unhealthy foods occasionally. Life is short, so you should enjoy it. If you never allow yourself to eat that Bolognese from your favorite Italian restaurant or drink that Frappuccino which is basically a glorified milkshake with caffeine, you’ll be miserable. Sometimes we need a glorified milkshake with caffeine!

The whole point of eating healthy is to feel good, but if you take all the joy out of eating because you only allow yourself to eat baby carrots with hummus and a side of ice chips, then you’re missing the point.

Yes, baby carrots with ice chips and hummus is a low-calorie, nutrient-dense snack, but there’s more to life than eating healthy snacks while you file motions at your desk. Food is one of the purest joys in life, and it’s one you should allow yourself to enjoy.

Of course, you should only have junk food in moderation as a treat but give yourself enough grace to treat yourself. Pick a night out in the week and go big. One cheat meal won’t undo a week’s work of healthy choices, so channel your inner Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle and treat yourself.

Eat Your Heart Out

Eat Your Heart Out

The amount of nutritional and wellness information out there can be overwhelming, but focusing on eating lean protein and anti-inflammatory foods, eating your big meals early, and snacking smart will do wonders for your health and energy levels.

Whether you are a paralegal assisting with legal research, a legal administrator managing the office’s operations, or a lawyer preparing for trial, these simple tips can maximize your productivity, improve your longevity, and boost your mood to deliver legal excellence.

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